Forçar foco em janela no Delphi
As funções abaixo forçam para que a janela informada fique em primeiro plano.
Primeira alternativa
function ForceForegroundWindow(hwnd: THandle): Boolean; const SPI_GETFOREGROUNDLOCKTIMEOUT = $2000; SPI_SETFOREGROUNDLOCKTIMEOUT = $2001; var ForegroundThreadID: DWORD; ThisThreadID: DWORD; timeout: DWORD; begin if IsIconic(hwnd) then ShowWindow(hwnd, SW_RESTORE); if GetForegroundWindow = hwnd then Result := True else begin // Windows 98/2000 doesn't want to foreground a window when some other // window has keyboard focus if ((Win32Platform = VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT) and (Win32MajorVersion > 4)) or ((Win32Platform = VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_WINDOWS) and ((Win32MajorVersion > 4) or ((Win32MajorVersion = 4) and (Win32MinorVersion > 0)))) then begin // Code from Karl E. Peterson, // Converted to Delphi by Ray Lischner // Published in The Delphi Magazine 55, page 16 Result := False; ForegroundThreadID := GetWindowThreadProcessID(GetForegroundWindow, nil); ThisThreadID := GetWindowThreadPRocessId(hwnd, nil); if AttachThreadInput(ThisThreadID, ForegroundThreadID, True) then begin BringWindowToTop(hwnd); // IE 5.5 related hack SetForegroundWindow(hwnd); AttachThreadInput(ThisThreadID, ForegroundThreadID, False); Result := (GetForegroundWindow = hwnd); end; if not Result then begin // Code by Daniel P. Stasinski SystemParametersInfo(SPI_GETFOREGROUNDLOCKTIMEOUT, 0, @timeout, 0); SystemParametersInfo(SPI_SETFOREGROUNDLOCKTIMEOUT, 0, TObject(0), SPIF_SENDCHANGE); BringWindowToTop(hwnd); // IE 5.5 related hack SetForegroundWindow(hWnd); SystemParametersInfo(SPI_SETFOREGROUNDLOCKTIMEOUT, 0, TObject(timeout), SPIF_SENDCHANGE); end; end else begin BringWindowToTop(hwnd); // IE 5.5 related hack SetForegroundWindow(hwnd); end; Result := (GetForegroundWindow = hwnd); end; end; { ForceForegroundWindow }
Segunda alternativa
A função abaixo consegue forçar o foco na janela especificada criando-se um formulário com dimensão de um apenas 1 ponto e simulando um clique de mouse neste formulário para que a aplicação receba o foco de entrada. Em seguida a janela especificada é colocada em primeiro plano usando-se a função SetForegroundWindow da API do Windows.
procedure ForceForegroundWindow(hwnd: THandle); // (W) 2001 Daniel Rolf // // var hlp: TForm; begin hlp := TForm.Create(nil); try hlp.BorderStyle := bsNone; hlp.SetBounds(0, 0, 1, 1); hlp.FormStyle := fsStayOnTop; hlp.Show; mouse_event(MOUSEEVENTF_ABSOLUTE or MOUSEEVENTF_LEFTDOWN, 0, 0, 0, 0); mouse_event(MOUSEEVENTF_ABSOLUTE or MOUSEEVENTF_LEFTUP, 0, 0, 0, 0); SetForegroundWindow(hwnd); finally hlp.Free; end; end;
Terceira alternativa
A biblioteca USER32.DLL possui uma função não documentada que propõe forçar o foco em determinada janela. A declaração da função é:
procedure SwitchToThisWindow(h1: hWnd; x: bool); stdcall; external user32 Name 'SwitchToThisWindow'; {x = false: Size unchanged, x = true: normal size} { Exemplo } procedure TForm1.Button2Click(Sender: TObject); begin SwitchToThisWindow(FindWindow('notepad', nil), True); end;